The Plan of Zygote.AI

Choose the membership plan that suits you, from Basic to Elite. Explore the endless possibilities of and unleash your creative potential!

Basic Plan


Does not support Rich Private Bot Capabilities

25 credits/month
Up to 1 Private Bot
Credit Points Reset Monthly
Basic Public Bot Available
Custom Private Bot based on Basic AI Model
Bot Model Training
Rich Private Bot Capabilities
Bot Deep Training
AI Workflow Independent Site Release
Private AI SaaS Customization

Premium Plan

$9.9 /month
$104.9 /year

Rich Private Bot Capabilities: Drawing, Image Recognition, Searching…

600 credits/month
Up to 5 Private Bots
Credit Points Are Accumulative
Advanced Public Bot Available
Custom Private Bot based on Advanced AI Model
Bot Model Training
Rich Private Bot Capabilities
Bot Deep Training
AI Workflow Independent Site Release
Private AI SaaS Customization

Elite Plan

$45.0 /month
$465.0 /year

Richer Private Bot Capabilities: Drawing, Image Recognition, Searching, Crawling, Database (Beta)…

3000 credits/month
Up to 25 Private Bots
Credit Points Are Accumulative
More Advanced Public Bots Available
Custom Private Bot Based on Super AI Model
Bot Model Training
Rich Private Bot Capabilities
Bot Deep Training
AI Workflow Independent Site Release (Under Development, Stay Tuned)
Private AI SaaS Customization (Under Development, Stay Tuned)

Fee Description


The monthly gifted credits will be used for the use of software features. During the usage, the system will automatically deduct the corresponding credits. When the point balance is 0, some or all functions will not be able to continue to be used, and users need to upgrade their membership or purchase additional credits to restore functional rights.

Credits Reset Rules

Different membership plans have different rules for resetting credits. Basic Plan have their credits reset to 25 on the first day of each month, and these credits cannot be accumulated. Premium Plan and Elite Plan have their credits increased by a specified amount on the first day of each month based on the previous month’s balance, and these points can accumulate indefinitely.

Private Bots

Users can add their own private robots and customize settings according to their needs. Users can set up characters for the robot, decide whether to remember the context of the conversation, whether to allow specialized training, and determine whether to support real-time online search. In this way, users can customize personalized robots with unique abilities according to their own needs and preferences.

Bot Available

Different membership plans can use different levels of public robot models, and when customizing private robots, the base robot models are also different. For example, basic members can use the chatGPT 3.5 model, premium members can use the chatGPT 4 or DALLE models, and elite members can use more advanced models such as Claude 3 Sonnet/Opus.

Bot Capabilities

Different membership plans can use different levels of bot capabilities. For example, basic plan does not support Rich Private Bot Capabilities. Premium plan supports capabilities like Drawing, Image Recognition, Searching etc. Elite plan supports capabilities like Crawling, Database (Beta).

Bot Training

Users can conduct specialized training on customized private robots, thereby customizing robots with unique abilities according to personal needs and preferences. This feature enables users to further enhance the intelligence level of the robot and achieve a more personalized and customized experience.

· Bots For Basic Plan ·

Zygote.AI 3

This chatbot is built on Zygote.AI 3.0 technology, supports 4K context, and possesses the ability to interact in natural language, and continually learns and optimizes to improve answer quality and intelligence level. It can answer various questions, including those about weather, news, entertainment, and travel. It can also be used for casual chats with users to relieve stress. This chatbot is committed to providing the most accurate, helpful information and advice, offering high-quality service to users.

Gemini 1.0 Pro

Based on the advanced Gemini 1.0 Pro technology, this robot offers a rich and intelligent conversation experience. It can understand and respond to a variety of queries, from simple everyday conversations to complex problem-solving, with ease. Utilizing the deep learning capabilities of Gemini 1.0 Pro, our robot can continuously learn and adapt to provide more personalized and accurate responses. Whether it’s obtaining information, entertainment interaction, or solving practical problems, it can become your intimate assistant.

Claude 3 Haiku

This robot is based on the Claude 3 Haiku model and possesses excellent conversational understanding and generation capabilities. Whether you need creative inspiration, literary creation, or artistic muse, simply engaging in a conversation with the robot can instantly produce creative sentences, paragraphs, or even short essays. The Claude 3 Haiku model integrates master-level human writing skills with the creativity of artificial intelligence, infusing dialogic interactions with endless imagination and an artistic flair.


A single AI robot is not enough? Why not call a group of AIs together for a super brainstorming session! This is Zygote AI’s unique brainstorming robot that can support simultaneous conversations with 2-5 AI robots, conducting brainstorming on given topics. You are free to choose the characters, professions, and settings for each AI, letting them play roles such as sales mentors, product managers, legal advisors, financial experts… You can even let each AI use different robot models, including those trained with specific knowledge bases, or persona of certain celebrities.

Resume Bot

Resume Robot, your career tool. Simply provide basic information to generate a high-quality resume with just one click. You can adjust and optimize the content of your resume according to actual conditions, making your professional advantages more prominent. Through virtual interview practice, develop answering skills and improve interview performance. It can help you break away from the tedious process of resume creation and kickstart your new career journey. Let the Resume Robot become your exclusive assistant, helping you effortlessly achieve your dreams!.

Promotional article

This is an intelligent article generation robot. Just by entering the topic, it can automatically generate reference articles. It is based on advanced natural language processing technology and constantly learns and optimizes to improve the quality and authenticity of the articles. Whether you need to write papers, reports or other types of articles, you can easily obtain high-quality article references through this robot. It is a convenient, fast, and efficient tool that can solve users’ problems in writing and provide valuable assistance.

· More Bots For Premium Plan ·

Zygote.AI 4

This chatbot is built based on Zygote.AI 4.0 technology, with powerful language understanding and generation capabilities, capable of having high-quality natural language conversations with users. It can answer various questions, including those about weather, news, entertainment, and travel, and can also be used to casually chat with users to relieve stress. This chatbot is committed to providing the most accurate, most helpful information and suggestions, aiming to offer top-quality services to users.

Imagine 2.5

This is an image robot using ZygoteImagine2.5, which supports text-to-image or image-to-image generation. It can quickly generate images in various styles. It offers enhanced vibrancy and overall color tone accuracy, including deeper black and brighter white tones.


Developed by OpenAI, this robot can generate higher quality and more detailed images, providing us with a new way to create and understand image content. It is applicable to various fields such as art creation, advertising design, virtual scene generation, etc.With DALL-E’s outstanding visual understanding capabilities and generation technology, this robot opens up a whole new creative space for you. You can easily realize various creative ideas, greatly enhancing work efficiency.

· More Bots For Elite Plan ·

Claude 3 Opus

This is an intelligent chatbot based on the powerful Claude 3 Opus language model. It possesses a vast reserve of knowledge, enabling it to engage in natural and smooth conversation with people. The robot can provide professional knowledge consultation, inspire creative ideas, assist with tasks, and more. Additionally, it has a good understanding of and response to emotions, offering users a considerate and thorough chatting experience. With the outstanding language processing capability of Claude 3 Opus, this chatbot is bound to become your intimate assistant.

Claude 3 Sonnet

This robot employs the cutting-edge Claude 3 Sonnet technology, specially designed to provide accurate and smooth conversational experiences. It possesses the ability to deeply understand and generate natural language, enabling in-depth interactions with users on a wide range of topics. Moreover, the powerful capabilities of Claude 3 Sonnet allow our robot to learn users’ preferences and behavioral patterns, thereby offering more personalized responses and suggestions. 

Gemini 1.5 Pro

This chat assistant, based on Gemini 1.5 Pro, is capable not only of processing text messages but also of understanding and analyzing audio and video content. It can extract valuable information from various audio files, such as earnings call conferences and the audio content in videos, and is able to analyze videos and summarize their key information. This intelligent assistant is versatile and can efficiently perform complex tasks like data processing and application execution, making it a multifunctional and highly efficient artificial intelligence assistant.